Digital Media I P-4-DM1-04 Assignments

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Upload Images in Google Classroom

Upload Images

Upload two animal image in JPG format, two tools in PNG format and two GIF files of your choice. Each image is 10 points.
(Image links are not allowed)


Personal Web Page (L13) in Google Classroom

Personal Web Page (L13)

In lesson 13, you need to design and build a webpage that carries a purpose. You need to share the link of your page under this assignment for grading. This assignment will have 70% effect on your grade.

Examples for your page:
A page for fundraising
A page for clean ocean awareness
A page for family vacation
A page for benefits of fruits and vegetables 


Styling Elements with CSS (L-11) in Google Classroom

Styling Elements with CSS (L-11)

Use the app lab to add more style to your web page. 
This lesson has 8 bubbles to complete, each at 10%.


HTML and CSS Quiz in Google Classroom

HTML and CSS Quiz

This quiz will have 20% effect on your grade!


Using Images on webpage in Google Classroom

Using Images on webpage

As briefly explored images on web pages, students will be instructed to integrate images on their webpages. 
Students are graded based on the progress and complexity of their codes.


Mini Project - Your personal style in Google Classroom

Mini Project - Your personal style

Referring to lesson 7, you are challenged to build your web page and give style to it. 
You will be graded as follows:
Html codes: 50%
Style 1: 20%
Style 2: 20%
Style 3: 10%


Introduction to CSS in Google Classroom

Introduction to CSS

Cascading Style Sheet is a set of codes that html codes refer to in order to get styles such as font color and size for the web page. In this section students learn how the CSS and html codes work together. You will be graded based on your progress on lesson 6.
(Refer to


Mini Project - HTML webpage in Google Classroom

Mini Project - HTML webpage

This assignment is provided in lesson 4. Use the document below to sketch your page. Copy these codes to bubble 3, lesson 4 on            

Your Name Here


My favorite ...

  • Oil paintings
  • Board games
  • Food

My favorite quote:





Introduction to HTML in Google Classroom

Introduction to HTML

HyperText Markup Language is a simple programming language for developing websites. Students will get to learn the basics of this language on


Data and Big Data Assignment in Google Classroom

Data and Big Data Assignment


Internet Security-Class Activity in Google Classroom

Internet Security-Class Activity

Student picks two different websites and answer the questions by looking up the sites security policy.


Data Breach Assignment in Google Classroom

Data Breach Assignment

Use the Data Breach site to find the answers. This is a class activity which has 70% effect on your grade.