Principal's Message

Fall 2024

We’re so happy to be back in session for 24-25! There are a lot of exciting things happening this year at Trade Tech!

We believe that young people in North County should have access to an education and transitional support that prepares them to earn a living wage after high school. To achieve this goal, we are growing our high-demand, high-wage CTE pathways and connecting with community stakeholders and industry partners to collaboratively create sustainable futures with our students and families.

Biotechnology and Future Educators kicked off this year with their first cohorts. Thanks to our partnerships with Biocom, CA and Children’s Paradise, we have hands-on learning labs for our students on campus and many opportunities for them to visit job sites off campus, too! 

When students aren’t busy in our real-world relevant classrooms, they are participating in our extracurriculars. Soccer season just started. Basketball and Flag Football will kick off later this year. Our various clubs are getting underway, and we are planning some other events, too, including a movie night.

We are also considering new ways to better support our students and keep them safe. There have been many reports recently of the health and safety risks posed by cell phones and social media. At the opening of the school year, Governor Newsom called on schools to take immediate action to restrict student cell phone use on campus. We will be partnering with students and families to increase awareness about the potential harmful effects of cell phone use, and implementing new measures to further restrict their use on campus.

We know that our students are capable of great things! We look forward to supporting them every step of the way!


Chloe Medina, Principal