Game Design I P-6-GD1 Assignments

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Spirit Movement in Google Classroom

Spirit Movement

In lesson 12 - Chapter 1, students learn how to control sprite movement using a construct called the counter pattern, which incrementally changes a sprite's properties.


The Draw Loop in Google Classroom

The Draw Loop

Look at some physical flipbooks to see that having many frames with different images creates the impression of motion. Combine the draw loop with random numbers to manipulate some simple animations with dots and then with sprites.


Mini Project - Captioned Scenes in Google Classroom

Mini Project - Captioned Scenes

After a quick review of the code they have learned so far, students are introduced to their first creative project of the unit. Using the problem-solving process as a model, students define the scene that they want to create, prepare by thinking of the different code they will need, try their plan in Game Lab, then reflect on what they have created.

This project will have 20% effect on your grade. 


Text  in Google Classroom


In lesson 9 students will be challenged to use text to improve scenes and animation.


Sprite Properties in Google Classroom

Sprite Properties

In lesson 8, we learn how to manipulate sprite properties. You will be graded based on your progress!


Building Sprites in Google Classroom

Building Sprites

Lesson 7 in instructs students in building sprites and characters within the applab.


Random Numbers - Lesson 6 in Google Classroom

Random Numbers - Lesson 6

Students are introduced to the randomNumber() block and how it can be used to create new behaviors in their programs. 


Variables - Lesson 5 in Google Classroom

Variables - Lesson 5

In this lesson students learn how to use variables to label a number. Variable is any number that changes based on an action.


Shapes and Parameters - Lesson 4 in Google Classroom

Shapes and Parameters - Lesson 4

With Game Lab tools students develop skills by manipulating the width and height of the shapes they use to draw.


Drawing in Game Lab - Lesson 3 in Google Classroom

Drawing in Game Lab - Lesson 3

Students are introduced to Game Lab, the programming environment for this unit, and begin to use it to position shapes on the screen. 


Programming for Entertainment in Google Classroom

Programming for Entertainment


Plotting Shapes - Lesson 2 in Google Classroom

Plotting Shapes - Lesson 2

Students use JavaScript blocks to create shapes and move them to certain spots.


Interactive Dictionary on Google Slides in Google Classroom

Interactive Dictionary on Google Slides

Student will use google slides to create an interactive dictionary with hyperlinks to slides. .